Why is Vert Shock considered as the best option? The muscle memory takes hold, and the body retains ability to reach higher vertical jumps. One needs to cement everything the body has learned through the prior training weeks. It covers six weeks of training time, and it is where the bulk transformation occurs. This part of training will be focused on arming oneself with knowledge and one’s body with strength and endurance it needs to jump higher This program is an eight-week training course, and it is divided into three phases. Vert Shock works because one will essentially be training their muscle fibers to support bounce and flexibility. It works by using ‘Shock Training” to extract more force from one’s muscles. It is a training program which uses targeted explosive plyometric training to shock one’s central nervous system into jumping higher. However, Vert Shock is considered to be one of the best vertical jump programs, according to many athletes who have used it to increase their vertical. If you are wondering how tall do you have to be to dunk, please don’t hesitate to check out this article.

However, a certain number of people will have better results by using Vert Shock program and others will show better results by using Jump Manual. The two programs have been proved to work and increase one’s vertical jump significantly.
Vert Shock and Jump Manual are Best Vertical Jump Program for improving the vertical and eventually being able to dunk like a pro. What program is going to bring one the best outcome?.What vertical jump program should one go to?.When one decides to work on their vertical jump, they need to make crucial decisions like: Improving one’s jump height can change everything about an athletic ability.

This program breaks down the concepts, nutrition, and workout schedule that is essential for any trainer seeking to take their athleticism to another level. Best Vertical Jump Program is a combination of plyometric and strength training to increase one’s vertical.